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Rodion Voskresenskii

Rodion Voskresenskii has exhibited across Europe including Russia, Germany, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. He has also exhibited in South Korea and the United States and has been published internationally. As a fairly young artist, Rodion’s achievements are impressive.

As an extremely unique figurative painter, Rodion expresses the figure with patterns of color and design. His body of work focuses on the aesthetics of the female body, enhancing the character of the subject with design elements of enriched colors and asymmetrical forms. The color palette remains a mix between pastels and earthy neutral tones, giving off a sense of expressive realism.

Strikingly, the shadows on the figures have a life of their own, becoming works of art within themselves. You may find an array of unusual colors on the shadows with variations of greens, blues, pinks, and purples. The expressions on the females come off as confident, calm, and relaxed. He described the backgrounds in his figurative paintings as an expression of the psychology of the subject. As we entertain such an interpretation, let’s take a look at some of the more abstracted backgrounds.

The design elements of the backdrop behind the elegant women remind me of design elements from the 1980’s, particularly new wave music videos. The cross between linear and shaped pastels give off a pop art aesthetic without essentially being pop art as a whole. The paintings are too refined and psychological to be classified as pop art, even though subtle pop characteristics could be identified within the works. Most of the paintings come off as playful indulgence in design.

There remains a deep sense of space with the portrayal of these women. The figures are fleshed out with subtle blocks of shadow, usually without high contrast, giving off a new refreshing sense of representational painting. Overall, the paintings are just fun to view, as the irregular patterns integrated into refined figurative compositions enhance the beauty and character of these women.

Such mature development in works at a fairly young age for an artist of Rodion’s quality remains unusual. We will be following his career and work closely in the years ahead, in the meantime, enjoy the splendor of these beautiful women in these expressive yet refined works. Rodion Voskresenskii’s paintings are technically intimidating, compositionally sound, and aesthetically rich to the naked eye.


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