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Read the Catalogue for critical reviews about innovative contemporary artists from around the world.

Founded in 2014 in Jersey City, New Jersey. Serving as an international art platform.
AFA specializes in writing critical essays about some of the finest established artists in the world. Through the international Artist Feature Catalogue, AFA publishes carefully selected contemporary artists who exemplify innovation and prestige. The curator writes a thorough analysis of the artists' work and accomplishments as well as providing insights into their process and potential audience interpretations. The best works of the artists are curated into each catalogue article with breaks of text in between each image, giving off an exhibition catalogue, artbook, or newsletter type of appearance. Easy to read but with advanced writing, immerse yourself into our catalogue and explore current avant-garde directions in international contemporary art. Many of the serious professionals included in the catalogue have exhibited and been published by notable as well as elite galleries and institutions. Read the articles to view their resume summaries.
What is 'the catalogue'?
The AFA Catalogue is not a magazine but rather a collection of scholarly essays published in a hardcover artbook format as well as presented digitally in a manner similar to an exhibition catalogue. Only the best in show artists from AFA online exhibitions are included in all formats of the catalogue, digitally and in print. The catalogue includes artists who have works in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Artists included in the catalogue have also been critically published by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, National Geographic, Financial Times, and The Guardian. There are also quite a few artists in the catalogue who are represented by some of the most respected galleries in the world.